Introduction to the Salesbury website
Apr 30, 2023
Salesbury Cricket Club
The reason for the creation of a digital record of the Club’s history, is to provide members and non-members with easy access to the history of the Club since its formation in 1906. A further advantage of the task, is that it provides a ‘back-up’ source of information, should Minutes Books for example be lost, or destroyed by fire.
A great deal of material has already been scrutinised, articles written based on the Club’s Minutes Books and other records, such as photographs converted to digital format.
The material we are now putting on the Club website, represents the first phase of making the information we have gathered, available to Club members and anyone else viewing our website.
In the coming months, we hope to put a great deal of further material on the website, covering the period 1951 to the present day. We want to give you the opportunity now to offer comments and advice, before we finalise the material for 1951 onwards.
Also, if anyone has relevant information or photographs for the two periods 1906 to 1919 and 1936 to 1951, we would be delighted to receive that.
Please do not hesitate to draw to our attention any errors or items of information which you feel should have been included for the period 1919 to 1936.
Also, we would welcome:
· photographs of the ground and its facilities, and of people heavily involved in the Club in its early years, which we would copy and return to you
· the names of any people in the photographs you lend us and also the names of people in the photographs below
· any additional items of information which you feel may be of interest, not only relevant to the 1919 to 1936 period, but also for later years
· any information for the years 1906 to 1919 and for 1936 to 1951, as we have no Minutes Books for these two periods
Please feel free to contact any of the following people if you wish to offer any comments or if you have information and/or photographs which you feel may be of interest:
David Moss
Andrew Green
David Gibson
John Mather e-mail: Tel: 01254 812551